Finley Memorial
Presbyterian Church

Christian Education
Finley offers a number of Sunday School courses and related groups. Our current lineup includes:
- God’s Superheroes/Little Lambs (K-5) covers children and youth at Finley. The class is led by Ellen Kell and has recently studied topics such as books of the bible, prayer, and the ten commandments.
- Intergenerational Sunday School: Over the past two years, Pastor Tommy has led an intergenerational Sunday School class (Grade 6 and up) focusing on a variety of topics like Christian Ethics, Early Church History, and the History of The Biblical Canon. Next, this group will be having a discussion-based class that follows “The Chosen”, a multi-season series on the life of Christ.
- The Finley Book Discussion Group gathers monthly for fellowship and discussion of a variety of books, both fiction and non-fiction.
- Bible Studies: on occasion bible study groups are also formed and led by a member of Finley or by our pastor.
Fellowship Opportunities
Finley provides a number of opportunities for fellowship and fun throughout the year, which in the past have included Crock Pot cookoffs, ice cream socials, picnics, Bible Jeopardy, and pot luck meals and fun at Lofton Lake to name a few.